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Diamond in the desert
Diamond in the desert
Diamond in the desert

A beautiful classic bracelet with a hand-cut quartz bead. The quartz bead is faceted and rectangular in shape. The bracelet has a very chic look. All the basic material is gold plated.

Everything is handmade and will be packaged in a deluxe gift set including authenticity certificate.

This product is also available in 14k gold!

 69.00 119.00
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As fresh as the Ocean
As fresh as the Ocean
As fresh as the Ocean

A beautiful fresh bracelet with a hand-cut quartz stone in the color aqua opal. The quartz stone is of very high quality and has a beautiful color.
All the basic material is also gold plated.

Everything is handmade and will be packaged in a deluxe gift set including authenticity certificate.

This product is also available in 14k gold!

 69.00 119.00
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